Tuesday, 21 September 2010

For Fox sake...

Liam Fox, the Cleggeronic Libservative Coalescence Defence Secretary, has form - remember when he lost his laptop?

But now he's scared.

He's scared that naughty dusky-skinned foreign ne'er-do-wells will explode a nuclear weapon in space with the resulting electromagnetic pulse (EMP) frying our dainty little computer circuits and causing an apocalpyse!

This is the terrifying picture he paints with his word-brush:

Weapons detonated in our upper atmosphere would create an electro-magnetic pulse and knock out our satellites and electricity grid.

This would be worse than a direct nuclear strike such as that which targeted Hiroshima in World War II, Dr Fox said.

Oh my God, worse than having an atomic bomb land on your head?

Just how bad would that be?

Dr Fox elucidates:

Transport systems, computers, phones, fridges and water networks would all be brought to a halt, he added.

Fuck me, that is terrifying.

Just think how much worse it could have been for the hapless victims of the fifteen-kiloton blast at Hiroshima as their eyeballs were melted by the flash from an explosion brighter than a thousand suns:

Bugger me, she got off lightly...

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