Friday 14 October 2011

Charlie Brooker Loves Grandaddy!

I am not - as the title of this entry might imply - accusing Charlie Brooker of incestuous gerontophilia (and possibly necrophilia, as I have no knowledge of the metabolic status of his grandfathers).

No, for the first time ever, McTodd dips his toe into the uncertain waters of - wait for it - Popular Culture. Not only that, McTodd goes on to paddle off to the entirely alien (but very tiny and substantially deserted) island of Not Slagging Something Off!

Yes, you read right - it's not McTodd Hates! it's McTodd Likes! I think I'll have a lie-down first...

Right, having recovered, let the rambling commence.

Listening to Charlie Brooker's new(ish) Radio 4 show So Wrong It's Right, I couldn't help noticing that the feme choon is a track by the magnificent American alt-rock-country-indie-electronica popular beat combo Grandaddy. To be specific, it is Summer Here Kids from the sublime album Under The Western Freeway, which you can listen to on YouTube:
Summer Here Kids Videographic Motion Picture & Song

And because I can't be arsed to link to the official BBC webulous page for So Wrong It's Right, because they keep fucking around with their Listen Again feature so by the time you've found, and read, this page it will probably have pissed off again, here's a link to some sad bastard's upload of a radio show (an entirely audio medium) onto YouTube (an entirely video medium, as implied by the 'tube' part of YouTube, in honour of the term 'tube' being derived from the fact that television was made practical by the advent of the cathode ray tube, thus superseding the pisspoor electro-mechanical scanning-disc system of the Scottish inventor John Logie Baird):
So Wrong It's Right (a radio show) on YouTube (a video site)

Still, (s)he* might be a sad bastard, but it's done me a favour.

Brooker has form with Grandaddy, as he used another track from Under The Western Freeway (the fabulously plinky plonky A.M. 180) for his Screenwipe series.

I have now dug out all my old Grandaddy albums (on CD no less!) and am wallowing in the gorgeousness of them. That is because I am a man, and therefore terminally sad.

*Though I'd wager it's a man because only a man could be that sad.

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